

A culmination of our circumstances, income, pride, greed, laziness, insecurities, etc can send us into moments of feeling deflated.
As someone who is currently living in a moment of deflation, I encourage you to holdfast hope that God is good and although He does not promise an easy life, He does promise the good life!

The mystery in a nutshell is just this: Christ is in you, so therefore you can look forward to sharing in God’s glory. It’s that simple. That is the substance of our Message. We preach Christ, warning people not to add to the Message. We teach in a spirit of profound common sense so that we can bring each person to maturity. To be mature is to be basic. Christ! No more, no less. 
Colossians 1:27-28 [MSG]

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    Dennis Gable

    I am forced by my own conviction of vulnerability to challenge the status quo of smoke & mirrors in the lives of people who listen. 

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