At the most basic understanding of God, we include him into the conversation of how in the heck we all got here. That's a great conversation to have, no matter what side of the conversation you fall on. However, I would like to offer my 2 cents on the naivety of the "open minded" side of this debate. As humans, if we are told something absurd for long enough, whether we experience its truth or not does not diminish the possibility of believing the absurdity. But then again, this is what they say about Christians, and for some, they are probably spot on. But without getting into that, there are a few aspects of the human process that have me baffled... 
  1. The menstrual cycle. This is absolutely bananas that a woman's body is this consistent to try and facilitate one thing: child bearing. 
  2. Throwing up. 
  3. Yawning. Why do we even yawn?
  4. The human brain. I mean, the retention of memory alone is wild.
  5. Blood clots. 

That last one really has me thinking. How could a the human body know without being told that there is a wound and its energy must then go to that acute area and begin healing it. 
Look at the picture below and think about how an accidental existence puts all of these pieces together, and why in the world are you so afraid of attributing God w/ the creation of all things?

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    Dennis Gable

    I am forced by my own conviction of vulnerability to challenge the status quo of smoke & mirrors in the lives of people who listen. 

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