Disclaimer: My wife has approved this message

Why do we run after the things that make us feel like we aren't worthy, pretty, crafty, handsome, successful, etc? 

My wife is amazing. Even at eight months pregnant I have to fight her to let me do things around the house. Her reasoning is this, "I don't work, so my job is to take care of my house and my family." [I know, I know... she IS amazing!] One struggle that my wife has faced is her addiction to Pinterest. She has pinned literally thousands of recipes, workouts, fashion trends, baby ideas and DIY tips. Oh man, I almost forgot all of the wedding ideas she 'pinned' before we got married. Her addiction was so extreme that I had to tell her [in my super deep man voice] that I don't care what is happening on Pinterest, and between the two of us we were creative enough to have a bad-ass wedding with or without the advice of bloggers and pinners. 
I lost that fight.... and thanks to our very dear family and friends along w/ the inspiration from creative folks all over the world, our wedding was pretty bad-ass!

I see something in the Pinterest culture that I find inside and outside of the church... and it's the "I want people to think I am ____________________" - fill in the blank in your own life. You do not have to compare yourself to anyone IF you can believe, accept and continually pursue an understanding of the details that you were created on purpose to be the truest version of the only you that will ever exist! 

My wife finds some level of her satisfaction in being "super mom/wife" from being able to replicate the images of those "perfect" people who "have it all together" and are "very creative"**. - This is the same mentality that happens in the CHURCH. Christians look at pastors, authors, speakers, bloggers, as people who "have it all together" and it leaves us normal people feeling like there is this upper echelon of Christianity that we will always have to be pretending we are a part of... 

There is no Super Christian Club... We are all created, equipped and called to something... Find your something and do something about it!!

**I received permission from my wife to write these things


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    Dennis Gable

    I am forced by my own conviction of vulnerability to challenge the status quo of smoke & mirrors in the lives of people who listen. 

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